Abstract submission has been closed Scientific Committee-29th AP State IAPSM IPHA Joint Conference

Call for Abstracts

We invite all delegates to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations. Please note the following guidelines for abstract submission:

  • All delegates submitting the abstract must have registered for the conference.

  • Abstracts must be submitted via the online submission portal on the conference website.

  • Abstracts previously published or presented at any conferences should not be submitted.

  • The last date for abstract submission is 31st July 2024.

  • The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reproduce the abstract in the conference souvenir in print or electronic media.

    Abstract Submission Guidelines for Oral Presentation/ poster presentation:

  • We invite abstract submissions for the topics outlined in the sub-themes, with a word limit of 300 words.

  • Abstracts must be structured with the following subheadings: Conference Registration ID, Authorship details,Title, Background, Objectives, Methodology, Results, Conclusion, and Keywords (3-5).

  • The abstract should be in Times New Roman font, size 12, and double-spaced.

  • Titles should be concise and avoid abbreviations, except for standard ones.

  • The first author listed will be considered the presenting author.

  • An author may present only one oral or poster presentation.

  • The Scientific Committee will review all abstracts. Confirmation of acceptance will be posted on the website; no personal communication will be sent. Delegates should check the website regularly for updates.

  • The Scientific Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any paper without providing reasons. Their decision is final in all cases.

Contact Us

For any queries or further information, feel free to get in touch with us:

Email: apiphaiapsmcon24@gmail.com

Call us: 6281274475, 9866089393, 9030693908

We look forward to your participation in the 29th AP State IAPSM & IPHA Joint Conference!